5. amateur workshop

WP / 2022
From Design Academy Eindhoven

           My research is about the production systems of craftsmen in Şişhane/Istanbul. Craftsmen in the Şişhane area are specialized in different materials. While a product is being produced, it goes through different craftsmen in the process. Production in Şişhane generally works as follows; a shopkeeper comes to a craftsman with a product idea, and this craftsman starts to produce the product with his abilities.

The craftsman interprets this product idea in his own way.

Since the masters do not have any bosses, they stand in a position to make their own decisions.

The product produced is quite different from what was initially seen by the master. In this neighborhood, diversity increases day by day as each master adds their perspective. The part that attracted my attention in this system was that the masters interpreted and transformed the product idea at every production stage. I was interested that the production process turned into a design process and brought out the creativity in every master. Inspired by this process, I designed my workshop.

I used 30cm wooden sticks, tape, and a metal bowl in this workshop. My aim in using metal bowls is to use them as a reference point when creating a structure from wooden sticks. I asked the participants
to design a structure that can carry what is placed inside the metal bowl without spilling it.
The workshop's output will be the wooden and tape structures designed by the participants.
